
Remote Server Display and Control

In the blog, I would like to exploit the ways to connect the remote server and get graphic UIs. Useful Commands: Check used ports: netstat -tulpn sudo ss -lntp Get X...

Preliminary Exam Summary

In the blog, I would like to share the nearly one-month preparation for the Preliminary Exam. It is a pretty tough and exciting experience. Since it is the first time I take part in exams of specia...

Exploit Command Downloading Methods from Google Drive

In the blog, we want to exploit several methods to find the best and most convenient way to download files and folders from Google Drive. A quick summary: Gshell: Need google to vertify the ap...

Machine Learning Tutorial

In this blog, I would like to introduce how to start your machine learning environment on ubuntu equipped with GPUs . The used tools includes: Miniconda: Independent Python Environment. Machi...

Tricks Summary 2020

In the blog, I record several problems that I met with during coding. I hope the content is helpful. Install Nvidia Driver CUDA and CUDNN on Ubuntu Official installation tutorial link. U...

Visual Studio Code Plugins

A useful plugin is sftp which helps users to connect to the server with VS Code. The config file looks like that: { "name": "jason", "host": "xx", "port": 22, "protocol": "sftp", ...

Adversarial Machine Learning Attack papers Summary

In this blog, I summarize the top nine most important papers related to adversarial DNN attacking from the paper which promotes adversarial examples firstly to the advanced attacking methods such a...

Evaluation of Adversarial Example Defenses

On Adaptive Attacks to Adversarial Example Defenses Authors: Florian Tramer, Nicholas Carlini, Wieland Brendel, Aleksander Madry Key Points: Thirteen Advanced Defenses Evaluation ...

C&W Attack

C&W attack is a pretty insightful attack in adversarial machine learning. So I use this blog to summarize the general ideas of it. Towards Evaluating the Robustness of Neural Networks Authors...

Adversarial Machine Learning

I try to summarize the main ideas and advanced technologies in this blog. Besides, I will record the progresses and details about the process. As we know, Adversarial Machine Learning has many appl...