Home iTerm 2 configuration

iTerm 2 configuration

iTerm 2 Configuration

iTerm 2 is an useful terminal tool on Mac. It is a highly customizable terminal and come with a lot of features. This is a simple tutorial to show how to download and config it. I got a lot of help by Sourabh’s gitbook

1. Download

The direct way to download it is by its homepage. There is also a document in it which I think is too brief for freshman.

2. Customization

iTerm 2 offers a complex preferences.

The colors and font Setting
  • Set hotkey to open the iTerm2 at any time by cmd + F12 on Mac’s Preperences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services by making a new Automator whose name is “开启iTerm2” which is a Mac’s program installed before sold.
  • Download color schemes and select favourite color schemes. I suggest Solarized Dark.
  • Change the cursor text and cursor color to yellow make it more visible.
  • cmd + / show the cursor’s position
  • cmd + opt + e show every windows
  • cmd + d/cmd + shift + d divide the screen by vertically or horizontally
  • cmd + f find the key words
  • cmd + enter toggle full screen

What’s more, iTerm 2 can enable you to design your own profiles and change the colors, windows, terminals and other configuration. On the Preferences > Profiles > Keys > Hotkey Windows, I set F12 to show a new shell which I need like the following picture.

tmux Configuration

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Junior 0ops WriteUp
